Lefty Two Sport Stars                     The Amazing Jim Abbott

Information about the best lefthanded professional baseball players can be found at

Information about the best lefthanded bowlers, the best lefthanded golfers,
the best lefthanded quarterbacks, and the best lefthanded tennis players can be found at

Lefthanders Newsletter - Summer 2024

Worlds' Most Famous Lefthander - Paul McCartney

Paul McCartney was the most famous and influencial lefthander of the twentieth
century, and he continues to write and record new music and perform in concert, making him the worlds most famous lefthander of all time.

Other Topics and Articles included in the Lefthanders Newsetter

Lefthanded Products

Information about Practical Products and Novelty Items for lefthanders,
including what products are currently available and what we wish were available,
can be found on our product info website productsforlefthanders.com

You can read more about lefthanders on our affiliated websites

Lefthanded Baseball        Lefthanders in Sports        Products for Lefthanders        Lefthanders Place


News and Information for and about Lefthanded People